
Hey guys. Just so you know I do have a blogger, which I will probably do more of these "journals" on so just ask me for that if you want that.
But I just needed to write something.
I got off my prozac today, for my depression, and I'm telling you things are different. I feel good, that I don't have to take it anymore, but at the same time, I'm really scared.
I know the things I have done, and can do to myself. I know I have support and amazing friends, but sometimes, it just doesn't feel enough. That sounds self-centered and all, but I don't know why I feel that way. I just do.
I keep listening to this song by Paramore, called "Ignorance" and it just explains everything. People in this society judge for pleasure. To just do something. I am a victim and a reason of this.
Yes, I make fun of people. We're all human, no one is perfect. I'm pretty sure we have all made fun of someone. But I don't make fun based off race, gender, or stereotypes. I make fun of things that happen. Like if someone falls on their face and doesn't hurt themself, yes, I laugh at them. Wow I sound like a bitch haha.
My point being,
I just don't see why we all have to stereotype of pretend to act like a stereotype just to be cool and fit in.
The truth?
You're only causing pain on yourself.
And others.
August 15th, 2009 at 06:16am