The Reign of Pants

OH NO! Dun, dun, dun! It's the end of the world!

(know why?)

Cuz, I got a pair of skinny jeans.

Apparently now I'm as "emo" as they come (so saysthe idiot my brother). Either that, so I'm a complete and total slut.
And on top of that, my parents are freaking out because god forbid they have a few rips in them. My dad started yelling about how I had to take them back to the store NOW! and blah, blah, blah... Clearly, this one pair of pants is the embodiment of all the evil in the entire world! Whatever. I'm still wearing them. Who knew one pair of pants could cause so much drama?

Oh, sorry, I would write more, but I gotta go. My Suicide Girls are calling to whisk me away to dye my nice blond hair black as night while we rock out to some kick ass Escape the Fate!

Ta ta! *wiggles fingers maniacally*
August 16th, 2009 at 05:11am