My Day [entry includes: movies, shopping, new clothes, pajamas, school, story, brothers, baked potato soup, &c.]

Today my family and I went school shopping. I bought quite a few tops to wear for this school year; it was pretty fun but tiring. I got a 5 subject notebook for my notes, I've never used one of them for school before, so I hope I like it. I hate to admit it, but I am kind of excited for school to start. Ugh, it sounds horrible. I will probably regret saying that in a week.

Tomorrow night I am going to go to The TIme Traveler's Wife with my guy friend because he knows that I really really love that book and he has read some of it. I'm kind of excited because I haven't done any socializng whatsoever since about last November. . . (I will be accepting your condolences for that in the little comment box below :P). I'm really exicted; I know I'm going to cry and cry and cry. The book is just so amazing! Plus I love Eric Bana and Rachel McAdams :) They're both amazing actors.

I'm going to try to update my story sometime tomorrow. What's going to happen next, you ask?!?! You'll just have to read and find out. :D

I think I'm going to go put on my long spaghetti-strapped navy blue night-gown and read my book in bed. That sounds very comforting after a day spent on my feet.

Both of my brothers went back to college this morning. It was sad :( I always hate when they have to leave. Life is going to be a lot more dull without them here anymore. Next year I'll be going off to college too; I'm kind of looking forward to it. High school is really pointless (in my opinion) for me.

The cramps weren't bad today, so that was exciting. For supper, I ate at Panera and had Baked Potato soup. It was DELICIOUS!! I absolutely loved it. I wish I had some right now actually. I'm pretty tired. Laying in bed sounds really nice. I actually might just go do that. Goodnight all :]

P.S. Chocolate chip bagels are AMAZING!!
August 16th, 2009 at 05:58am