Banner; Break The Ice; Thank You; Must Read

So, hey lovers!
I have some great news!

My best friend ever, iSMILE made me a fantastic banner for my long running story 'Break The Ice.'
I have to try and get it uploaded yet though. Since the file is being screwy. I'll show you once it will upload though.
Just's AMAZING! She's fantastic on photoshop! =D

Well I wanted to tell you that 'Break The Ice' is ending in a few chapters. Yes it seems like a sudden end, but don't worry...
You were scared, weren't you? Haha (: Yes BTI is ending, but there is a catch. A new story is coming. A sequel to BTI actually. It's the exact same everything, but just a new story. I thought it would be kinda cool to that. So no, I'm not suddenly stopping it.

I had BTI typed up [quote a bit again] but it got deleted....
It'll be a little 'til it's back up. Sorry!

I think that's it. Leave a comment below [positive comments please....] if you want to (;

August 17th, 2009 at 03:23am