This One's For You

My best friends once said " it's only the beggining and no matter what happens I'll always be here. Just because you won't see me everyday doesn't mean you can forget about me. =) cuz I know I won't for get you. You're my best friend forever. That's a promise!! Nobody will ever take your place. It's yours forever" I can't help but feel like she has broken that promise. Not the I'll never forget you part.. I know she hasn't forgotten about me. It's the best friend forever, nobody will ever take your place part. I don't think I'm her bff anymore or at least I don't feel like it... And maybe it's both of our faults. I feel I've been replaced and no matter how much I don't want it to be like that, no matter how much I try.. That's just the reality of it all. I look back at all the times we've spent together. I remember the first text she ever sent me "do you want a pickle??" lol I remember rooming together in Williamsburg and spending so much time together. I remember all the times she was there for me when I needed her, all the long talks at my house and crazy four wheeler rides with my brother. I remember all the times in band class we laughed and joked around. I remember being able to talk to her about anything. I remember going to a concert together but leaving because of all the people and walking miles down the beach. I remember telling her I was so glad to be going to college here for the first year so that I could be here for here like she was for me my senior year. I remember telling her next spring break was all about me and her. I remember going to universal studios and having the time of my life with her. I remember the day she left I spent hours trying to find the perfect birthday gift for her. I remember throwing her a birthday party at my house, not because I felt like I had too, but because she's my best friend and I wanted her to just be able to spend the night with all her friends and celebrate. I remember bringing her wendys, trying to surprise her and I remember all the times we ate at golden corral before football games. Oh and alllll those football games and practices. I remember graduation, and how happy and sad I was at the same time. I remember her coming early to my graduation party and meeting a few of the popele in my crazy family. I remember making a fool of myself but being able to laugh about it with her. And I remember when she left for the summer.. We were both hesitant about it but said we could make it through.. And I believed we could.. Still do actually... But my faith is slowly declining. I don't know what happened between that day and now.. But we both know things have changed. Maybe it's life.. I'm not too sure.
August 17th, 2009 at 05:12am