
i'm so weird. and i'm so lazy...i was all, i'm going to make a journal about the alex story because i left so many things unsaid, and then i was all....lazy.

i didn't feel like making a journal. but you know what? i obviously am.

so, i rushed things at the end of the alex story, i'll admit that. BUT WITH GOOD REASON!

that night, was the night before i would leave to go to california. and i hadn't written the last two chapters yet. and of course, me being the dedicated writer that i am (psh, yeah right) i didn't want to leave you, the readers, hanging.

so i wrote the last two chapters in one night.

oh man, what a mistake.

despite the fact that it was rushed, i am extremely proud with the last chapter. it's exactly how i envisioned the ending to alex and mia's story.

which is soooo over. thank god.

but anyways, i realize the whole mia picking alex thing was kind of....eehhh, hahaa. but to be honest, i never really wanted mia and alex to end up together.

but hello, this is a fanfiction. they're supposed to end up together. and i know, i know, i kind of made this a little more than just a fanfiction. i kind of spinned it out of control, where the story became own little frankenstein and i couldn't control it. as god awful and cheesy as this sounds, something in the characters, something in both mia and alex--together--made me write what i wrote. they wanted each other, hated each other, loved each other so much that they just made me waste time spent typing away on my stupid yellow laptop.

like, seriously? why the fuck couldn't they have just gotten together the first huge confrontation?

because they're both fucking stubborn. in both of their minds, it was like, they wanted the other person to make the huge gesture. they wanted for the other person to chase them, to prove to them their worth. but in reality, they BOTH needed to suck up their pride and just let themselves be together. everyone saw this. jack saw it. zack saw it.

i bet you, even fucking matthew flyzik saw this. although, i didn't really use him in the story. haha.

and here's the reason why it was rushed (besides me leaving for two weeks) :

for alex and mia to be together, it was just that simple. it was easy. it could happen just that fast. but they made it so fucking ridiculous and so FUCKING COMPLICATED, that in a way, we were kind of like...really? they got together?

mmm...i don't care. i like the way they got together. i'm a huge sap and i'm not afraid to say that.

and for those jack barakat lovers who believe mia should have picked jack over alex's dumb ass, lemme just say this;

jack needs to find someone else. he needs to find someone else who he doesn't have to be second rate to. he needs to find his own love, who's name doesn't start with an 'm' (because i realized mia and mimi start with 'm''s...that isn't my fault) and start his own story with that person.

jack just needs to be loved. seriously....jack needs to find me. haha.

but really. jack barakat, if you're reading this....minus the whole creepy fan obsession thing, i think we're destined. we can get together and collaborate ideas. i can write songs for you. because i think you need to go solo. all time low is just holding you back.

haha, enough of i'm writing the jack one-shot. i'm kind of really super excited for this. hopefully it'll come out soon after i post this journal...because i'm writing at the same time. i really like where Baker (the girl) is heading in my mind, and hopefully, when i get her on paper, she'll be exactly the kind of girl that jack barakat needs in his life.

oh, and i'm going to write this other short story. it'll be based off of mandy k's songs off of the ep. i'm super excited for that. hopefully you guys will read that.

and i'm still writing jawbreaker. it's just tough because...i love that story so much. i'm so scared i'll screw things up with it. i don't want it to break up with me...haha.

soooo...thank you so much for giving my stories a chance. you guys are seriously waaayyy more awesome than i can even explain.

August 17th, 2009 at 09:39am