One More Before I...Pass Out ~?!

I don't know about you guys, but I have this thing where I just love to go out and buy school supplies. I know this is weird and that most of you probably hate buying these types of things. But honestly...I'm a lazy person at times, but I have this urge to organize stuff for school. And here are some reasons to why I actually am wishing I could go to school now. =p

1.) To see my friend again. [No homo / I know it sounds cheesy.] We're best friends and we haven't gotten the chance to see each other through the whole freaking summer, which is still going on - I should really be careful about what I say, huh?

2.) My summer is...Okay. I used to go out with my mom's friend's family to go to theme parks during the summer, but this time, I haven't been out often. The last time I hit the pool was when my cousin had bought a pool and placed it on our backyard. =p I haven't been in it since...

3.) I think I'm...Fat. Okay, so maybe that's an understatement. But really - because I have nothing to do, I tend to...Snack. And when I'm at school, I think I'm more "energetic", especially since I actually have something to do. AKA P.E.

4.) Hm...What else? Well...OH! If you've had it like me, I haven't actually been in a... School where they switch classes. This may or may not reveal a thing or two about me (if you still think I'm 88, you need help.) but most of my school-years, I've been in a homeroom. It's usually the teacher of different subjects (mostly only music, art, and science) come into our room, and our main teacher covers the other stuff like math and reading. (= So yeah. Pretty hyped up about that.

And, as for the rest of this journal, may I just rant about something?
School supplies, and extra freaking, illogic fees.
Let's drop~! =D

So...[I know I said I like to buy stuff for school, but here's just a rant about stuff I need to buy and pay.] First of all...Binders. Yes, binders. We need 2" binders, even though I'm not even in...High or College yet. Yes. =] I know not only 'older' students get these, but 6 freakin' packs of filler paper? A LOCKER FEE? SON OF A--

*a-hem*. I think I'll just end it there. ;) But bottom line is, there is a lot of (crap) we have to get, and stuff I don't even think we'll need that much. -sigh- But I guess that's okay. (= As long as I can fill my urge to buy school supplies, then alright. xD

Oh...And 1c. notebooks FTW!
~ huzzah.

PS. Read "I Never Told You I Loved You" by Alyssa and I. (prettyasacarcrash - link to her profile on my page. Thanks, PEACE! <3
August 17th, 2009 at 10:08am