What happens when you see a movie....With Friends?

Last weekend I went to see the new Harry Potter (the half blood prince) with 3 of my best friends. I was really excited to go see the movie but unfortunatly my friends lacked half of my anticipation. I guess they weren't big Harry Potter fans like me. So that kinda killed it for me, since well I like to be excited. It makes good conversation. But when your the only one jumping in the seat it's not that fun anymore. The more the merry, you know? Then...Well things got annoying. I love my friends but....eh.

For some reason, though the aisle seat is a favourite of most, I always get it. Which I don't mind but that always means I'm on the end. And to tell you the truth, I kind of feel left out of their chats. I mean, I may not be the most fun and outgoing person but does no one want to have a conversation with me? THOUGH, I FIGURED OUT THAT WAS GOOD THING. WHO WANTS TO BE HAVING A "CHAT" DURING A HARRY POTTER MOVIE?!!!

Then, there was the popcorn situation. Out of four friends you can't have the popcorn in the middle really but no one was sharing. Maybe I'm complaining and just whining but until the last 20 minutes of the movie someone FINALLY passed it to me. I know, I could of just asked. But who wants to be a bother during a movie. Especially a Harry Potter movie. Maybe I was just trying to focus hard on the movie, that I forgot to. Or maybe I was being self-concious.

Do you ever have those feelings where your with a really good group of friends and you just want them to prove that their a good friend? Sounds superfical yes. But I don't know if any one does this, but sometimes when I go the mall or a public bathroom with my friends I'm hoping that they'd wait for me because well...Thats something a friend would normally do right? But they don't...But I'm over it. To think, it was kind of stupid. But you'd feel left out, wouldn't you?

Then the expected happened. Everyone whispers at some point in a movie theater, but if it's constantly happening...It gets annoying. I wanted to say, "SHHHH!" but I held it back. So yeah, they were whispering, kinda loudly. And whenever something funny happened (which was a lot, since well in my opinion this one was a lot funnier than the other Harry movies) they'd repeat it multiple times. Oh and the occasional, "Oh my gosh, That was sooo funny!".And well, it just ruined the funny-ness of the moment. Since they kept repeating it and repeating it. I wanted to tell them to stop, to tell them they weren't' funny. But that would be rude.

So, thats what happens when I go with a GROUP of friends to the movies. Oh, did I mention that they didn't respect my opinion? (hahaha, maybe I am growing up). One friend, asked me what I thought of the movie. I said that I liked it, but was disappointed in it a bit, since there was no huge, big, amazing fight scene like I hoped for. But she kept saying, "Nope. Nope. It was awesome! What are you talking about?". So,, that was my breaking point. I basically shouted, "THEN WHY ASK ME MY OPINION IF YOU JUST BASH ON WHAT I THINK!".

They were quiet. But then laughed, since I'm not one to shout or really get mad. So yeah, thats my crazy life.
August 17th, 2009 at 10:22pm