Notes On Branded


- Purgatory
The place in between the realm of the Mortals and of the Demons. Null territory.

- The Gate
The room of sentencing, ruled by the Dragon Demon, Is'Kareh. Souls consumed by Shadows are sent here, to be assigned to another sector of Hell.

- The Badlands
A barren, lifeless plain where life can find no harbor. Souls convicted of extreme Rage are sent to the Badlands for eternity. The Badlands are home to many of the Forsaken and Exiled demons, who's thirst for flesh is insatiable through their insanity. Seeing as the dead cannot die again, their are doomed to wallow in the pain and suffering the Forsaken wreak upon them. The Badlands are ruled by the Snake Demon, Asmodeus.

- The Garden
The garden is a beautiful Utopia amidst the usual barren, desolate Underworld. However, residents of the Garden suffer from an insatiable lust for all around them that they cannot have. For all that they want whilst there will simply vanish before their eyes, until their want is no more. The Garden is full of devious Pixies and the alluring Selkies, who lure the damned into their clutches, and send them into first excruciating pleasure, before excruciating pain. The Garden is ruled by the Rabbit Demon, Totorr.

- The Slums
The Slums are like the cities of the Human World. Residents of the Slums are left with nothing, wanting all that they see. Souls are sent here for their crimes of Greed, and are left here with nothing; not even the clothes on their backs. They are left with nothing at all. The Slums are home to many Imps and Fae. They are ruled by the Crow Demon, Nymphera.

- Avana K'all
Avana K'all is the only full-fledged city in the Underworld. It is a magnificent splendor with much to behold and experience. However, souls sent here are left with their Envy and Jealousy for all they cannot have. Avana K'all is home to a variety of the different Demonic Races, most predominantly the Shadows. It is watched over by the Monkey Demon, Kira'kott.

- The Looking Glass
The Looking Glass is a giant, still-watered lake, glistening with it's beauty and life surrounding it. Unfortunately, souls sent here are left with nothing to pride in themselves, constantly being put down and one-upped by the local Nereids and Fae. They are surrounded by a beautiful, reflective surface, but whene'er they fancy a look at themselves, all they see is their own, disfigured, misshapen body. They feel an utter hatred towards their own ugliness, and constantly try to kill themselves over it, but cannot do so. Because of it's reflective surface and magickal properties, the Looking Glass is also occupied by many Shadows surveying their counterparts. The Looking Glass is ruled by the Butterfly Demon Evell.

- The Clock Tower
The Clock Tower is a misplaced outpost bordering the land between Avana K'all and the Badlands. Souls sent to the Clock Tower suffer from a great apathy, and the reaction time of a sloth. They are forced to keep the gigantic clock running manually. They are often accident-prone, and cannot react quickly enough to save themselves from great pain caused by the accidents they experience. These can include being crushed and ground by massive gears, or being impaled by the hands of it's internal clocks. The ClockTower is infested with Fae who enjoy torturing the apathetic prisoners. The Clock Tower is ruled by the Turtle Demon Firisiis.

- Isanfall Forest
The Isanfall Forest is home to many delicious and delicate fruits and vegetation, as well as springs of Heavenly Nectars. Souls sent here are surrounded by these delicacies, but because of their gluttony in their past life, are forced to live with an insatiable hunger and thirst. For all that they eat turns to dust in their mouths. And all that they drink leaves them only more and more parched. The Isanfall Forest is home to many Selkies, Sylphs, and Fae who love to torture the souls of the Forest by enjoying it's pleasures whilst in their presence. The Isanfall Forest is ruled by the Goat Demon Astaroth.

- The Spire
The Spire is home to the Council's Commerce, the hall in which the the 18 High Demons, and the 3 Leaders of the Lesser Races meet to discuss affairs. Humans are forbidden from entering it's hallowed halls. The Spire is maintained by the Wolf Demon Verahi.

- The Ethereal Realm
The Ethereal Realm is the land of Dreams and Nightmares. It is ruled by the Cat Demon, Miru'Ahki.

- The Glade
The Glade is a mysterious Shrine, enshrouded in mist and thickets of bamboo. It is a place of Ritual, once ruled by the Fox Demon, Kyuubi. However, since his disappearance 1,000,303 years ago, or roughly 10 human years. No soul, demon or human, is permitted entrance since his disappearance. It is currently being watched and guarded by the Bovine Demon, Sirvi'uus.

- The Waters
The Waters surround the entire Underworld. It has a bottomless edge, full of raging falls that lead to the Void below. It is home to many a Nereid. The Waters are ruled by Leviathin, the Whale Demon.

- The Red Sky
The Red Sky is an empty castle high above the dark, red thunderclouds of the Underworld. It is home to many Sylphs, and is ruled by the NightMare Demon Pegasus.

- The Hellpyre
The Hellpyre is a metaphorical term for the fire red trees of it's forests. They always appear to be blazing, even though they are not. The trees are fireproof, but shrivel and die when exposed to water. It is home to the Ifrits, and is ruled by the Lion Demon Caeinivis.

- The Eternal Wood
The Eternal Wood is a dark, endless forest bordering the Badlands. Residents of the Eternal Wood must go through a treacherous journey through the Badlands if they ever hope to Reach Avana K'all, or any other civilized area of the Underworld. The forest is protected by many seals and charms to ward off the Forsaken and the Exiles. It is home to many Selkies and Fae, and is ruled by the Deer Demon Midevia.

- Mana
Mana is a humongous tree at the center of the Eternal Wood. It is the source of all Magick, and is the resting place of the Imprisoned Goddess, Lilith. Finding this tree is impossible, unless you do not mean to find it. It is guarded heavily and watched over by the powerful Tree Demon Kevillast.

- The Heron's Perch
The Heron's Perch is a single patch of pure white clouds in the skies of the underworld. It's location is unknown to all but the High Demons. It is the resting place of the meek Heron Demon, Rhysei. He was cursed many years ago, and requires much rest due to his ailment. He is an important High Demon; he rules all of the Seraphim, controlling the entire Underworld's judicial system.

- The Underground
The Underground is an intricate network Tunnels and Caves set up beneath Avana K'all. They are the primary source of entertainment for most of the younger demons. They are primarily used as a spot for 'Raves', as the humans would call them. The Underground is ruled by the Bear Demon, Urasha.



Humans are for the most part ignorant to the goings-on of the underworld. However, amongst them are a select few, known as Clairvoyants, who can see Auras, Spirits, and Demons. They are more in tune with their senses, and so are able to interpret the energies these enigmatic beings emit to shroud themselves. They are often unaware of what they are capable of, until Puberty, when their powers fully erupt.

The Branded are those who were murdered at the hands of Rage or Desperation, and were resurrected by signing the Ancient Shadow Sentry's Pact with their Demons. They are granted immortality, increased senses, agility, and strength, the ability to control their Affiliated Element, and the ability to disappear and turn to nothing but shadow, which is referred to as Shadow Melding.

The Reborn are a mysterious and rare race created when an imprisoned soul of hell is resurrected through many great trials. They are granted the same gifts as the Branded, only they need the blood of humans to survive. They must feed once weekly, or their body would perish, and their soul would wither into the Void. They do not sleep. They comprise less than one percent of the population of both Earth and Hell.

- Queen Lilith
The Creator. She is currently imprisoned and asleep in Mana.

- High Demons
There are only 18 in existence, and will only ever be 18. They each take the appearance of an Animal Deity.

- Angels
These are the judges of the Underworld. They are more so motley in appearance, very far from looking Angelic. However, they do possess the ability to change their appearance to one less demonic. Amongst the Angels are four ranks, symbolized by the amount of wings.
The highest ranking angels have Six-Wings, and are called Seraphim. They are the High Judges of the Underworld. There is only 1 in each of the 18 realms of Hell.
After the Seraphim are the Four-Winged Oracles known as the Cherubim. They are blind, but to make up for this, were granted the power to see into the future. They are very enigmatic.
Next down are the Two-Winged Powers. These are the basic law-enforcers of the Underworld.
And on the bottom of the Angelic Hierarchy are the Fallen. They are stripped of all but one of their wings, leaving them flightless. They are the exiles of the Angelic Society whom have been found guilty of Treason against the Code.

- Shadows
Shadows were made to be the exact counterparts to each soul in existence. They simply survey and record each life their other half goes through. However, they are sometimes given the rare opportunity to for a Pact with their equals. This only occurs when the living soul is murdered at the hands of Rage or Desperation.

- Imps
On the bottom of the Demonic Hierarchy are the Imps. They are the stupidest of the demons, but can easily outsmart any human. Amongst the Imps are the Clan leaders, the High Imps, the Sylphs of Air, the Ifrits of Fire, the Nereids of Water, the Selkies of Earth, and the mischievous Fae.



Pronunciation: [Ahs-Mou-Day-Oos]
Animal Deity: Lancehead Snake
Realm: The Badlands

Pronunciation: [Ahs-Toh-Roht]
Animal Deity: Appenzell Goat
Realm: Isanfall Forest

Pronunciation: [Cah-Ehn-Eh-Vis]
Animal Deity: Barbary Lion
Realm: The Hellpyre

Pronunciation: [Eh-Fell]
Animal Deity: Peacock Butterfly
Realm: The Looking Glass

Pronunciation: [Fee-Ree-See]
Animal Deity: Giant Tortoise
Realm: The Clock Tower

Pronunciation: [Ees-Karr]
Animal Deity: Dragon
Realm: The Gate

Pronunciation: [Keh-Veel-Sst]
Animal Deity: Lebanon Cedar Tree
Realm: Mana

Pronunciation: [Kee-Rah-Koh]
Animal Deity: White-Headed Capuchin
Realm: Avana K'all

Pronuciation: [Ky-Oo-Bee]
Animal Deity: Silver Fox
Realm: The Glade

Pronunciation: [Leh-Vee-Ah-Tinn]
Species: Blue Whale
Realm: The Waters

Pronunciation: [Mee-Dev-yah]
Animal Deity: Axis Deer
Realm: The Eternal Wood

Pronunciation: [Mee-Roo-Kee]
Animal Deity: Black Cerval
Realm: The Ethereal Realm

Pronunciation: [Neem-Feh-Rah]
Animal Deity: Crow
Realm: The Slums

Pronunciation: [Peh-Gah-Sus]
Animal Deity: Nightmare
Realm: The Red Sky

Pronunciation: [Rizz-Hey]
Animal Deity: Heron
Realm: The Heron's Perch

Pronunciation: [Sir-Vee-Uss]
Animal Deity: Aurochs Bovine
Realm: The Glade [Re-directed from Purgatory]

Pronunciation: [Tow-Tor]
Animal Deity: Blue Elfin Rabbit
Realm: The Garden

Pronunciation: [Oo-Rah-Shah]
Animal Deity: Panda Bear
Realm: The Underground

Pronunciation: [Veh-Ra-Ee]
Animal Deity: Silver Dire Wolf
Realm: The Spire
August 18th, 2009 at 12:00am