An Unexplained Phenomena while Stargazing

A nice neighbor of mine (who happens to enjoy voraciously eating peanut butter) lets me borrow his cool equipment, one of which is a simple telescope.

So lately, I have been craning my neck to look for planets.

I have seen Jupiter, a bright spot located just above my roof. Focusing in, I see its four faithful moons, lined up obediently. Jupiter wore two brown lines as belts. He has more, but I couldn't tell with that type of telescope.

I believe I have found either Venus or Mars; I can't remember which one was which. Venus is seen early morning or evening near the sun. But this one was near the moon....

And I think I found Saturn, because from the visible eye you can see that he is slightly orange or brown-ish hue. However, it is so high up I can't comfortably focus it without nearly being upside down.

So I try to sit on a rock, adjusting the tripod so that I can stargaze while sitting. I see a moving object. A few nights ago we saw a similar light that was the space shuttle and another one that was its station. So I decided to focus in, when, as it continues to drift across the sky, it stops blinking, and fades into the surrounding darkness. I couldn't find it again.

Correct me if I am wrong, but sattellites can't "conceal" or "camouflage" themselves like that, nor any other craft (from this planet). Maybe it was some sort of plane, but even then I never saw any technology like that.

The only similiar effect I have seen was with the famed, unexplained Phoenix lights a few years back.

I can't help but think... what if what I saw was indeed some sort of high technology from the government? Or is this an UFO? I feel like such a conspirator, but it is fun to imagine.
August 18th, 2009 at 03:08am