GUESS WHAT YOU SHOULD DO?????? (if you like Linkin Park)

You should go to this link:

And just check out my cover for My December by Linkin Park. I worked hard on it. was easy to learn the song by ear, and I changed a LOT of things in the song, because well....I made it my song in a way by adding my own twist to it, adding a different beat, because I love this song.

If you don't like it, that's fine, because I don't expect anyone to like. Though my friend Guy said he liked it much better, that the rhythm was smoother and had a different feel to it then the original.


Oh jeez. The first day of 10th grade went by so fast, I have to look behind me to see if it actually happened. Low and behold! It did. Pre-school drama, no body has really done anything, thankfully they are all being adults like I had originally hope. There's always the chance though. I dressed awesome today, with some new boots I got, my old skirt, my new black tank top with lace at the top, and then this shirt I bought at sears....because I'm poor.

I choked on a lock of my hair while laughing, I just breathed it in and when I pulled it out....oh jeez that was disgusting. A sight to smell, surely! My hair still stinks, and because I had an emotional break down today (probably from some monthly thing that happens) I got out of it. Not my cat chores, however, those I must do.

ANYWAY! I'll appreciate it if anyone with a youtube account (I highly doubt anyone here does....) then feedback will be nice upon watching my video ^_^ and listening to my tunes.
August 18th, 2009 at 05:32am