Performing Dog-like Behaviors

Uh, I kind of feel like I'm chasing my tail with all my stories, because, hmm, let me think, I have just about ten stories going on right now (at least on Word, I do...I have a lot more in the journal in my room, and the shelves of my head). I don't know what to do with all of them. You see, I get bored writing one and then go onto another. THEN, I go back over them and revise them. I'm not prgressing at all this way because I just go over the same things over and over again. I'm trying so hard to stay on my main series: Lost Memories; it's a four book series. And, it's like, I always want to write certain parts for each book, but I can't because I'm obviously not that far. Well, actually, I did start writing the fourth one of the series, but that's because it's doesn't completely relate to the other three. I mean, it does, but it doesn't at the same time. I just can't say because you'll have to read them to understand. Anways, I did start a new document to hold all those other specific parts I've thought of so that when it comes to the time to actually write them, I won't forget the dialog or anything. (I'm deathly-forgetful...Is it bad if I sometimes have to spell my name out loud if I forget how to spell it?...)
Well, either way, I just want to know if anyone knows any way of getting over this and sticking to one story...or does everyone have the same problem as me?

I just read something today...thought it was funny.
Person 1: Ooo, look, a distraction!
Person2: Where?
August 18th, 2009 at 02:54pm