
Im going away to Finland on wendesday, sad to say its not going to be a happy traveling, Im going on a funeral. My grandmas sisters husband has died. Something about the heart, he had had a heart surgery, but never woke up.. The heart couldnt take it..
I have no idea who we'll stay at, I hope its not with the wife, I can't stand seeing her sad and all.. She always used to be glad. I have no idea how she is, does she just sit and stear at a wall ?
I dont know.

I hope someone is there with her, I hope Mauri is with her, I think that is her brother. I have no idea, but I just hope he is there with her.
I dont know how many years they have been married. A long time, really long time. And now he's gone..

At every birthday you couldnt belive he was so old, he only seemd to get younger.
I think he made it to 80 years, but it seemd he just turned 50 or something.
I will really miss him, even if i didnt knew him. I just know them as "The couple with many cats". I've called them that since i was a kid.

Good old memories,
and I'll have them forever,
I'll never forget them.

August 18th, 2009 at 09:07pm