First Entry!

So isn't this lovely? first entry eh? I doubt anyone will read this but it's worth wild complaining about my life.

So, as only one of you actually know, I live alone. I'm in a small studio apartment on the side of my father's work shop. Its nice. Only recently did my sister move in to the apartment next to me and start reeking havoc on my daily life. I have no problem with smokers, but I have had a smoke free environment since 1989 so it wasn't good for me to have her suddenly in my apartment smoking. Not only that but she use to take my plates and everything that mattered to me.

The good news, and the reason I'm happy today, is that she finally got her lazy arse up and got a new apartment, a block down from me. FINALLY! I has no more annoying sister. :D So, after taking about three hours of well placed fans and such and such I have a smoke free apartment once again.

Not something you wanted to read, I know.

Other than that, I guess... I'm boring, and my day sucked. Enjoy not commenting! :D

-- Love D
August 19th, 2009 at 02:23am