
I think the problem is the opposite of everyone else’s problems.
We don’t fight, about anything; we either ignore it, pretend it does not bother us, or just say it is fine. We don’t cheat on each other; we are entirely faithful to one another. We do not abuse one another; we do not hurt each other emotionally, or physically, or in any other way. We do not make each other feel bad for something they have done, when they DESERVE to feel bad about it.
It rolls off our back like water on a bird, and we move on. WE are that happy little couple you see: holding hands together, walking down the street sneaking kisses in when the other least suspects it, whispering cute little things into the other’s ear.
I know we have a problem, but I have not been able to identify it. But I have figured it out, now. It’s that we don’t announce we have problems. It simmers under our skins, then it bursts and one of us gets furious at the other for problems weeks, months old. And then when it comes out? It is not pretty.
August 19th, 2009 at 02:29am