Favorite Songs (Part Deux)

About a year ago, I wrote this journal about my top 25 favorite songs. I realized, I left some out, and also have gained a couple more favorites, so this is an add-on list : )
(also added links so you can listen to most of them, cause I'm cool like that)

Anthems for a Seventeen Year Old Girl by Broken Social Scene
I’m such a huge fan of BSS because it includes a lot of my music idols, but this song breaks your heart in such a good way, because it’s all about changing yourself to try and fit in, but realizing that there are people who love you for what you used to be. (I should also mention this song is almost tied with 7/4 (Shoreline) by BSS which is so totally awesome and in 7/4 so you know they are genius)
Anthems Listen?
7/4 (Shoreline) Listen?

IOU by Metric
I adore Metric. I think they can (tentatively) be named my favorite band in existence. Every album is incredible. The cool thing about Metric is that every first song on every album sounds totally different from the rest of the album, there’s lots of different parts pushed together with awesome transitions, and this one is by far my favorite of the “first songs”. This line is so incredible: “With all I don't say/With all I don't do/I'm sending you/Invitations to hesitate too”

Dog Problems by The Format
This entire album (called Dog Problems) is basically a giant F YOU to his ex-girlfriend, but this song is the ultimate revenge song. I have a thing for bitter and horrible songs for ex-lovers, and you literally can’t get bitterer then this song. Hell, he spells out her name in the middle of the song. Awesome.

Too Little Too Late by Metric
One of the first songs I heard by Metric, and the main reason I ever started listening to them. Lyrics are brilliant: “Too little too late but we don't say no / It's too much to feel / Tie my right hand to the bible”

1901 by Pheonix
Such a happy song, I could rock out to this any day, any time.

Lazy Eye by Silversun Pickups
The guitar in this song is epic. I love how it goes from quiet to loud to rock out and then slowly back to quiet. The transitions are crazy.

Two Weeks
by Grizzly Bear
This song is a combination of bizarre, beautiful, and breathtaking. I can’t get over it. The entire album is brilliance, but this song is the best.
This music video is bizarre. I know. Those children might give me nightmares.

Teen Angst by M83
I always play this when I drive around at night. It’s out of this world, and reminds of college (because all I listened to during exams were M83 and Ratatat ahah)

No Conclusion by of Montreal
Like I said before, I’m a sucker for horrible songs for ex-lovers. This was written for his wife (who surprisingly stayed with him after this song). It’s so bizarre, but I love it and understand his feelings perfectly. The end though is what really makes it, because it dissolves into a beautiful string piece.

I’ve Got Friends by Manchester Orchestra
If you don’t know this song, please go acquaint yourself with it. It truly speaks for itself.

And now it's your turn darlings. What are your favorite songs that I should listen to?
Music makes the world go round : )
August 19th, 2009 at 04:21am