
Fairy Tales. We all know them so don't lie, Girls - you know just about all of you want to have them and live them.

Well it's all dreams. Not reality.

My friend used to tell me how I'm like Cinderella.

My mom and dad broke up when I was 5. So now I live with my mom, and let me tell you, she can be a real pain in the @$$ sometimes. I do a lot of the dirty work around here, scrubbing the floors clean, cleaning out the litter box, sweeping, doing errands and etc.

My fat @$$ cat - shes my little mice. That I have to clean up after all the time, and it'd be nice if she helped me make dresses for when I go out, but luckily I just have her to be there.
And my friend megan, she claims to be my little mouse friend as well... She wiggles her 'whiskers' as she tells me this xD
She helps me remember to.. Keep picking myself back up when I get pushed down.

Now recently, I've been going to my personal ball. The park. I live right next to it, and the guy I think of as my prince, also lives right next to it.
We were together for about 7 months. And he, honest to god, was perfect to me.

Me and my Prince would go to the ball everyday, together all the time; and if not there, we were at each others house.

Then that dreaded summer came when I'm fortunate to go visit my dad, and see my two 'brothers' Ones my half brother, and the other I would suppose you could say is my step brother.
Whom we can label, my evil step sisters.

Finally I come back, and oh my lord, To see him again, I could have died happily knowing I was with him, he was all I could ask for.

Happily Ever After?
I think not. Two days after I get back he breaks up with me.

My kingdom came crumbling down.

Now my memere (grandmother) now lives with us. Fairy God Mother much?
Now that shes around, my mom isn't as bad to me as she used to be. But that doesn't mean she has a wand to magically make a beautiful gown appear on me so I can go to the ball and dance the night away.

I go to the park still, don't get me wrong. I'll leave as many glass slippers hanging around as I can. That doesn't mean my Prince will find me when my mom locks me away.

Plus, I'm sure I'm not the only girl who wears size 9 Vans.

I got to have my fairy tale for awhile. I got my knight in shining armor, but the difference between Fairy Tales and Reality - shit happens in reality, and you cant make things better.
In reality you have to face up to how things are. You can't wait for your Prince Charming to sweep you off your feet and make everything better. You have to do that on your own or you're going to get trampled.

This is life, not a story.
August 20th, 2009 at 05:28pm