
Is it sad that I've liked the same guy for about four years and never acted on it, but when he tell my best friend that he likes me we talk more about it.
He asked me out and everything, though when I think about it I'm not to sure about if he really likes me or if he would be using me.
Today marks the forth time he made plans with me and failed to call to tell me when or where, or even that we couldn't, and I'm left staying by the phone waiting for his call.
I know what you might be thinking, why don't you call him, right? It would kind of help if I knew his number.
My trust for him is getting weaker and weaker and I no longer believe that he even cares, for he would tell me and reschedule if he couldn't make it right? Or well I hope he would, but he doesn't.
Even though I really like this guy and always listen to him, no matter how much it stung my heart, when he used to talk about his girlfriends to me, in detail, I fear that he is playing with my emotions.
I've never been someone who could hold a grudge and accept apologies even when I don't want to, ignoring how I truly feel inside to make them happy, however, for this one thing I'm not to sure about forgiving him, I believe that no matter how many times he can tell me he 'loves' me he would never truly mean it, that he would use me as a rebound when ever something didn't go his way.
When I look deep inside myself I fear that I might have to kick him out of my life fully to get over him, even though I'm not sure I could live without him.
I need some help for I no longer know what to do, should I kick him out, or leave him in? Should I rely on my heart, or put trust in my mind?
August 20th, 2009 at 06:14pm