The Forbidden Fruit Tastes The Sweetest.

I am fourteen years old. Definitely mature for my age, but I can still be fun. I've been through many experiences in the past four years that no one else will have in a lifetime. I have developed my own mind very quickly. I feel like I should be going off to college instead of high school. But still, I am treated like a little teenage girl. Especially with this one subject...

His name is Jess, and I am madly in love with him. He's everything I ever wanted in a guy and more. Though, we never talk, he's definitely, I'm pretty sure, the one. There's just that feeling in my gut that I never had for anyone else (bands don't count) before, and I want to be with him. The problem? He's well over 24 and well under 34...somewhere in that age. So, I am not allowed to be with him. This makes me so mad for so many different reasons. Here are just a few.

1) Your heart can't tell how old you are. Love isn't really a physical thing, it's emotional, and I am matured in that area. If he has feelings for me, then we shouldn't be stopped from spending time together.

2) I think that only having sex with a minor is against the law, so I'd be safe anyway. You see, I don't like being filed under a specific gender or orientation - I keep an open mind about things. But, I am pretty sure that I am celibate, which means I'm probably never going to have sex. Well, at least for now. I'd be well over 18 by the time I'm ready for it, so there shouldn't be any fuss about an adult going out with a teenager.

3) To me, age differences like mine isn't vulgar or disgusting. So what if a 20-something year old falls in love with a younger, teenage girl. I know that to go out with someone, you also have to physically attracted to the person, but he doesn't have to think I'm sexy and picture me naked. He can think I'm pretty or something to that affect. It's not disgusting.

4) Who else is there? He is the one. What else am I supposed to do? I can't control loving him. It just feels so...right. When I think of my future, I can picture him with me.

So. Thoughts anyone? What do you think I should do about this whole ordeal? Forget him, talk to him, try to ask him out? I need guidance.
August 20th, 2009 at 10:17pm