"If I Were A Boy"

That song by Beyonce is so beautiful and powerful! The video is also. I need to download it to my ipod.

But it really got me thinking....what would I do if I were a boy? One thing is for sure, I would so date my girl friends (and to those that are reading this, no, I am not going lesbian haha). Because, they are the most AMAZING people I know in this world, beautiful inside and out (however trite the saying is).

I have no idea why there aren't a trail of men following after them....and I am being serious. If I were a boy I wouldn't waste time, lol. And I would probably annoy them trying to treat them good. And they wouldn't like me very much because I would be dating all of them at once. Then I would be called two-faced, and wishing that I was a girl again. XD

Now, I can't say the same about girls who aren't really my friends....Well, I mean, the ones that I wouldn't care to be friends with. The majority of girls in high school seem to be "bitches" (excuse the language, I normally refrain from profanity) and that is one of the reasons I have more guy friends then girl friends at my new school. I don't like my chemistry buddy because of that. Her mouth is running constantly about negative things, of what he-said and what she-said and how much she hates our teacher. Always judging. So caddy and immature. I can see why men only like them to fulfill "needs"--sexually and socially, but never soulfully or intellectually. And they do get annoyed at it....Attitude like that is not "cute" or "sexy." That's what my guy friends told me, at least.

But my lady friends aren't like that! They are so positive and full of life and good energy. They don't get dirty and they don't talk about others or gossip behind others' backs. They are cute without even trying or putting on certain clothes, or acting in a certain way. Hanging out with them makes me feel sinful and ugly and loved all at the same time! <3 It is a good feeling to be with people that understand you and will listen to your thoughts, recieving everything as their own.

Non-piggish guys out there who are reading this should know about them! >:0

Especially for the AAAELPP! (Alexis, Angela, Amanda, Laline, Paola, Patsy!) I lub you all! :'D

For readers out there, what would you do if you were the opposite gender? Who would you date?
August 21st, 2009 at 01:53am