"I'm sick of the world and its people's mindless games."

Wow, it's been awhile since I've written a journal entry. I deleted them all, actually. But I guess that doesn't mean they're off the internet forever, does it? eh, whatever.

Sooo..I feel like crap right now.

I feel like my best friend doesn't want to be my best friend anymore. Why? She barely talks to me. She only declined the offer to spend the night after I told her our mutual best friend wasn't coming over anymore. I dunno. I'm probably just over-analyzing things again. /:


That's how I feel right now. Kind of apathetic, too. Like nothing can affect me. I don't get excited, I don't get sad, I don't get...anything.

And I bet I'm driving all my friends away because I'm such a drag to talk to. And if I'm not scaring them away, I'm pissing them off. I feel like just giving up. I dunno.

Fuck. I'm confused.

I'm just going to shut up right now.

This journal makes no sense. /:
August 21st, 2009 at 05:03am