Meh (is my new favorite word.)

Has anyone ever had the same problem I have?

Let me 'splain.

I think I love romance, or being in love, too much. When I see/ meet a guy, I feel like he's amazing, perfect, wonderful, and I wish we had something going. We finally start "going out", and then all of the sudden, I feel awkward, I don't like the guy anymore, and we break up. And then, later, when I'm feeling particularily lonely, I'll think about the guy, regret breaking up, and hope something else happens, even though, much as I'd like it to work like in one of my stories, I'll probably do the same thing over again.

Is this a phase? What's up with me? Argh. I must love being in love, but never getting it. -.-

Any thoughts/ advice/ hate for being such a bitchy-saurus rex?
August 21st, 2009 at 07:47am