
Alright so....I've been a vegetarian for about 4 months now. ( I know, it's not very long but cut me some slack!) Well...I did a little research on how they kill the animals, and one video made me bawl my eyes out, especially since I absolutely love animals and ya know...I'm big on not hurting anyone or anything.

It helped improve my health....even though my soccer, track, and volleyball coaches made me swear to keep up on protein and whatnot, I've never felt better! While I'm not a fan of preach-y vegetarians( I'm not trying to make you become vegetarian, I promise...) I do think that they have some valuable stuff to say.

My mom even says "I'm glad you're finding something to be passionate about, but your'e a real pain in the ass to cook for." for the first month she forgot what I had decided and EVERY meal she cooked had meat. O.o

Now, I'm not saying "BECOME VEGETARIAN OR ELSE DAMMIT!" thats not me(: but I am saying that the way they treat animals is vile and disgusting. You don't have to be vegetarian to support animal rights(: give being a vegetarian a try...see if it works. If not, then at least bring awareness about animal cruelty.
August 21st, 2009 at 10:53am