Ignorant, Patronizing and Discriminative

I truly hate it when I see kids at school - with disabilities - crying or upset because someone else has bullied them.
It truly offends me. It disgusts me and I absolutely hate it.

So, there's this girl a couple of years younger than me. She's probably fourteen or so and she has a disability. Let's call her Julie. Anyway, she likes to wander around the school and talk to different groups. Usually she is ignored, laughed at or told to go away. Sometimes you might see a quality person actually engage in a friendly conversation with her.
Usually that is not the case.

There's this group in my year level of girls that decide that they would like to pick on Julie. So, they encourage her to roll up her skirt - we wear a school uniform - so it is basically showing her underwear. They think it's funny.
THAT IS SO OMFGGGG!! I will refrain from using inappropriate language :) BUT OMG.

One day Julie comes wandering passed me and my friends and I look at her skirt and I know straight away who the culprits are for that. I say hi to her and tell her to come over.
Me: Julie, pull your skirt down a little bit. It's a bit short.
Julie: No, I can't because I like it this way.
Me: Yeah, but it's just a bit too short. Just pull it down a bit.
Julie: No. It's Tuesday and I get to see my friends today and they say I can't sit with them unless I look good so I have to pull my skirt up. Jemima (a girl in my year, name has been changed) said I have to have my skirt like this.
Me: Oh okay, but just pull it down a bit.
She sighs and I help her roll it down. She says thanks and smiles, walks away and disappears around the corner. Five minutes later she walks by with her skirt all the way up again.

Then, yesterday, I see her crying in the corner of the junior's corridor and people just walk by and not even acknowledge her. EVEN TEACHERS. That's a disgrace!
So, my friend and I make an effort to speak to her and see if she's okay. The rest of my friends told us not too and said, "No, don't. If you speak to her she'll follow us everywhere."
Pff. Stuff that.
So, my friend and I go over and speak to her and then my friend even hugs her and comforts her. Turned out the same group of girls who Julie thought were her friends had told her to get lost or something along those lines.
I heard one day Julie actually punched them. Quite funny because they deserved it.

BUT ANYWAY. Julie isn't really the point. She's an example. I'm so sick of seeing people walk by other people with disabilities and laugh at them or tease them or just speak to them so they can get a laugh. It's obnoxious and cruel.

Kudos to Julie for punching one of the girls in the face.
I shall do the same the next time I witness something like that... well, after I give them a piece of my mind.
August 21st, 2009 at 01:55pm