You're lost even when you're going the right way.

So yesterday was pretty a rough day. First of all, I had to dance at night because School was organizing a pre-show with all students dancing.... and uh, well I went earlier to my house, but I made my way into Giane's with Tephi.
So basically, at Friday morning we just danced, and we were freezing the hell up! Then we had the break, 30 min later we went to our houses to get ready for the show.
At the show... oh man, I DID like it, but in some steps I did messed up, my parents told me about one... yeah, they did notice it. Anyhow, it was all worth it, a really GOOD GOOD night.
But no. It's not the end of the story. Later I had a party, so I went to my room, and tried to pull off all this make-up-that-looked-like-paint. Finally my face looked like a normal one and uh then I went with Barbara to the party.
It looked calmly, but then... ha! Some random boys that nobody knew walked over the door, whatever, my point is there was this guy that I knew one day and he looked cute, y'know. So, this guy was looking at me, we did visual contact A LOT, but I said non-a word to him. So stupid, I know that already but then when there was just 6 people left he said goodbye to me and my friends, we stared each other and then he kissed my cheek, AW. Hahhaha so pathetic, oh god.
The funny part is that earlier today when I were on Facebook, you knwo there's like a Chat you can talk in there actually? Okay in that little Chat was a name of this boy (While the night passed I remembered the name of this guy) and we talked really shortly, but somehow he said to me 'I know you from somewhere. You're Tay's friend right?' and I was like 'Yes, yes haha.'

I only post this 'case I'm so BORED, in a Saturday night, at this time of the night I'm usually partying! Too bad it's not today.
August 23rd, 2009 at 05:13am