Boy Troubles and more....HELP ASAP PLEASE!

Okay so I would like to say sorry for the errors and i hope you can bare with me because i need help me now!
so there is this guy he lives in my neighborhood and we've been talking and well he likes me and tonight he actually said he is going to finally get the confidence about something and i know right away it's asking me out....
yeah i know yay a guy but see i've learned for years to block off feeling from the heart and feeling from the mind
so i honestly don't know if i like him back at all!
my friend yvonne keeps telling me that i do and everything and that i just fear commitment and need to start feeling from the heart again but see i told him i don't feel from the heart but mind, i fear commitment and everything and now he's like oh....i guess i was right and should of doubted myself to ask you out
what should i do!
and i apologize again for ramblings, grammar and everything! i'm in a hurry of advice!
August 23rd, 2009 at 09:30am