Losingg Inspiration and School!

I'm thinking about erasing my latest stories because I don't know what to do with them. When I don't type a chater for long time, I don't like the story anymore. I lose inspiration quickly. The idea is great for about three or four chapter until I get bored with it. So, I pretty much have never completed one story one here since I've had this Mibba. Ughh! Do you know what I mean???

School started last Monday. I'm so happy it started, but I hate school. Lmao. I love it for my friends, but this pretty much it. Here are my classes.

English- This class is way fun. I adore the people in that class.(:
Germen- Bob sits behind me & he is a super cool guy.(: & Germen is so awesome.
Creative Writing- I love this class. I get to write! People always make me laugh in that class.
Geometry- The most boring class I've ever hadd. The peope I sit with are BORING.

How is school goingg for you????
August 23rd, 2009 at 06:53pm