The Hamster in my Brain is Taking a Nap

LoL...i like that title ^_^ and, unfortunately... it is way to true I'm trying to work on all the stories I have started. A fanfic for FF7, one for Naruto, one for Rust Blaster, two for Kingdom Hearts and three stories of my own. You know how many, of all those, I have titles for! 2...2 of them have titles...The Rust Blaster one is called I Will Come Back, the FF7 one is New Crisis(the one I have up on here.) If you want, later on I can give rather detailed descriptions of each of them and people can help me come up with titles, because I'm sure there are a lot of very very creative people out there 8D.

Just so everyone knows, I love journals, at least I love writing them, especially when people read them. Which is rarely ever very often. And i can have novel length journal entries filled with stupid puns, lame jokes, story/video game insight, and all around randomness, I try not to bore my readers like i often do with my writing. I find my writing style now adays way to detailed and I even start to fall asleep while writing, which, as im sure everyone knows, is not a good thing. (I also find typing a pain in the ass...i wish there was an efficient voice to word translator on a computer...the one i've used is hilarious terrible. Damn you typing *shakes fist*)

Ok...the only other thing I like about journals and the amazingness things you can do with them (other then making up words) is RANTING. I do that a lot, so don't be surprised. Well Lets drop that and get back to my brain hamsters little dilemma*ish in love with Google Chrome for having auto spellcheck 8D*

Well aside from the whole title inspiration is at an all time low. The evil little inspiration ghost has chained up my hamster and fled my brain >.> I reallllllllyyyyyyy want to work on the AkuRoku/RikuSora I have started, due to a crappy computer malfunction I lost over 5000 words that I had typed out and have been forced to rewrite them...I don't like rewriting...i REALLY dont...out of the 5000 i have to retype...ive typed...about...2000 and it's driving me mad because I had just gotten past the boring part and I was SOOOO close to starting the next chapter, which has Axel in it, which means it is amazing. I have over 50 000 words of that story plotted out...I just have to type them...and as ive said many many times before in this rather short journal, I. DON'T. LIKE. TYPING. PERIOD. (am i being a hypocrite? I don't know...probably....but I CANT HELP IT.)

I also want to RP...but alas...i can't get a good RP partner...I need to work on characters for my new story which I'm constantly thinking of a plot for. I have so many plot twists already and I'm really happy with it...but I don't want to write it either...the only place I can actually 'write' is at school, during my boring classes(aka. All of them...except exceptions.) HAHA i have to put up my Akatsuki fic just so you can all see how i portray my teachers. rather hilarious. My science teacher was the worst and i hope i dont have her this year as well(this took me a long time to find...couldn't remember what chapter it was ended up being in chapter 7 >.>):

"Finally the rather large teacher waddled her way down the hall and opened the door saying her regular line, “Sorry I’m late.”

Hidan rolled his eyes and let out a short annoyed snort as he followed the rest of the class into the classroom.

None of the other Akatsuki were in this class…but it didn’t matter to Hidan and Deidara, who hadn’t known each other in class the day before, but had talked somewhat because they were forced to sit next to each other.

They took their seats; yesterday had been quiet in this class…well relatively quiet. It had to be a little loud…okay more accurately Hidan had been quiet…

Today was a different story though. The teacher took her seat on her stool which creaked under the extra pressure, it was obviously not designed to hold over 250lbs.

“FUCK! Can you tell your stool to stop screaming in pain! It’s killing my fucking ears!” Hidan said, which got a couple snickers from around the classroom though the blonde just rolled his eyes and mumbled something the Jashinist couldn’t hear but he had a feeling it was something like ‘you’re really asking for it…’

The teacher looked at him angrily, “I would like you to refrain from using such language in my class…uh…” she looked down at her seating plan “Hidan (Hi-den)…”

He glared at her for a second, “It’s Hidan (he-don) NOT fucking Hidan (Hi-den) or Hidan (Hi-Dan) or whatever fucked up pronunciation you can fucking come up with…”

“Okay you just had to tell me I’m going to ask you one more time to stop using such language in my classroom I would like to start the lesson.” The teacher said angrily.

“Well sorry I felt like FUCKING swearing…What are you going to FUCKING do about it!?” He said standing up and slamming his hands down on the top of the desk.

“Out now!” she pointed at the door.

“I’d like to see you fucking make me fat ass!” Hidan retorted.

“That’s it! I’m calling the VP!” She got up and started as fast as she could towards the phone on the wall.

“OH NO! I better get out of the room before she gets to the fucking phone…” He started walking as slowly as he could towards the door. By now some people were on the floor laughing. The teacher had turned dark red in fury and embarrassment and Hidan just continued to smirk as he slowly walked to the door.

He was about half way there when the teacher got to the phone, “Fuck…” he hissed before he booked it out of the room.

The teacher sighed and left the phone going back to her desk, obviously just glad to see that he was out of the room. She glared at the two students who were clutching their stomachs laughing on the floor and they quickly got up and sat down bursting into giggles every once and a while, but the rest of the classroom was silent now as the teacher started her lesson."

I had to share that with everyone...well now I'm going to go smash my head into a table and try to wake up that hamster...

((see how random this did I end up going from hamsters to how much i hated my science teacher...>.> oh well tis all good))
August 23rd, 2009 at 07:46pm