I'm Back Guys!

Haha. Hey!
Nicki is back =D
Well I was grouded [boooo, lol] for a few days, and then I was gone away. I was with my bestest friends ever [Britty713 and iSMILE] and we had the best time ever!
Sorry about the no updates but hopefully you understand why I couldn't.
But I'm home this week so it's all good =D

Tehe Tehe Tehe Tehe Tehe Tehe Tehe Tehe Tehe Tehe Tehe Tehe Tehe Tehe Tehe Tehe Tehe Tehe Tehe Tehe Tehe Tehe Tehe Tehe Tehe Tehe Tehe Tehe Tehe Tehe Tehe Tehe
;Done ignoring

Talk to you guys soon!

August 23rd, 2009 at 08:54pm