*** my life, majorly.

My mom has just cut me off from ALL concerts as of right now.

That's just fucking harsh. I'm probably overreacting but concerts are literally the only thing that I look forward to every month. It gets me through the hell I call school.

Seriously, I'm like unbelievably sad right now.

I had the GK tour, AP tour, and The Maine concerts all lined up. And now I can't even fucking go. It's insane. Yes, I know that all the concerts I've gone to have started to add up. But the fact that I barely go out since she's giving me never ending lists of things to do, I at least deserve this.

And that might sound really self-centered but if I just told you all the things that go on around here, you'd completely understand. And I know that I'm whining like a little bitch right now but I can't really complain to any one else and this is the only place I can let out all my feelings. Cause I know that if I kept this in, I'd end up snapping at someone else. And that would make me a complete douche.

But seriously, I'm like legit pissed.

I would gladly drop going to school at my home town and actually go to school in district. And I would seriously give up my iPhone, cause quite frankly I didn't want it in the first place. I don't really need fancy phones, to be honest. And I would happily cut off going out, because I'm honestly the happiest when I go to concerts.

This probably sounds all completely stupid, but it's the truth.

Of course, I feel like a stupid bitch from complaining so damn much. But music DOES mean a lot for me. And concerts let me be close to the people who inspire me most. And to be cut off, completely sucks dick.

Excuse the language, but it's the truth.

Holy hot damn, I hope something changes in my mom's mind. Because I really do need this. I have nothing to look forward to anymore, not even summer.

Oh, man. Someone cheer me up, please!
August 23rd, 2009 at 09:43pm