My computer is my best friend.

Getting this computer in my bedroom was the best thing to happen to me. It keeps me entertained while I should be sleeping. I have a lot of trouble sleeping lately. Maybe because I stayed up 'til three am all summer or maybe another stress related symptom, but sleep won't be hanging out with me for a while.

I have been a bit worried about possible insomnia lately though. I don't want to say it's definate for fear of sounding like a hypochondriac but its a possiblity. One of the major triggers for it is stress, and I have had my fair share of that lately. If you've been an avid journal reader of mine you probably read that I've been having family troubles lately and I just started my freshman year at high school. Ugh.

If I could push through this thick wall of anxiety around me I wouldn't worry so much about not having classes with my friends but it's hard. I am going to try though. I want to dedicate my freshman year to fixing up the ticks in my wiring.

Step One: Become a Vegetarian. What does this have to do with anything? I really don't know yet but I figure trying something new may lead to other new things. I don't know exactly but I will try to keep up with the vegetarian lifestyle.

Step Two: Join Drama Club. Me and my sister both have social issues and it was her idea for us to both join it. Even if I can't work up the courage to act right away, I might meet new people, huh?

Step Three: Do anything I'm Sared of. Easy to say, hard to apply. I want to reach out to at least one person in each of my classes. Hopefully I don't chicken out.

Step four: Dont regret a thing.

Thats the master plan, it's always up for editting though. God, I want more than anything to not be known as the quiet girl this year. I would give anything.
August 24th, 2009 at 06:45am