Is this story going anywhere? will it be any good? would anybody read it?...... hmmm.....

"Our Story"
“If I’d only read that letter a day sooner. I would have gotten to see my dad before he… passed and apologize for the last words I said to him. I would have been able to get out of here.” I thought to myself.
My dad put me in this psych ward three years ago. He always sent letters but I could never write back, I tried but all I could think was I shouldn’t have to be writing a letter, I should be there with him! He shouldn’t have left me here! I’m angry at him even now, still, after three years, that anger still burns inside of me. Its like I want to hate him but I know I never could (Especially now that he’s gone.) He said it would be good for me to be here, that they’re going to make me better, but, you can’t fix something that’s not broken.
“Do you here me Dr. James!? I’m not broken! You can’t fix me!” I screamed. “You’re the crazy one” I whispered.
It all started when I was 10 years old. When I met … my other half, allow me to introduce myself I’m Elizabeth and I’m Niki.
“I hate your mother Elizabeth. She needs to respect us! She always has an attitude with me always getting us into trouble. Ever since she met me she’s hated me”.
“Well Niki it’s because of the way you act. You’re such a rebel and always almost doing things I, Elizabeth, would never be caught dead doing. You’re confusing everybody no one understands who we are. You just have to except that.”
“But she’s your mother! Out of all people she should understand us. Something has to be done.”
“And what exactly are you going to do Niki? Kill her? Hahaha the thought of it makes me laugh. Yea right. Just get over it Niki, I have.”
“Sure, liz whatever you say”
Knock, knock, knock.
“Lizzie who are you yelling at?” my mother must have heard Niki having a fit and came into my room.
“Uh no one mom just venting haha” I said “so get the hell out of here!” Niki said straight to my mother, and slammed the door right in her face hitting her in the nose, then locking it.
“Niki! What the hell is your problem? You can’t do that we’ll be in deep shit you know that right? Damn Niki I had a party to go to tonight.”
“No one said you weren’t going I’ll sneak you out tonight since you obviously can’t handle it then you go enjoy your party.”
“Alone? You won’t intervene at all?” I asked her in total disbelief.
“No. go to your little party I have better things to do in the back of your mind”
I did know what she was thinking about but I didn’t think she was the least bit serious about plotting to kill my mother...

i know that it is a little confusing without the italics and all that but, would this be a good book???
August 25th, 2009 at 04:03am