My imagination can make ordinary things exciting.

Well, anyone's can, but mine is just so fun! >w<

Especially this morning while walking my dog. It was very early, about 5:45 AM. Passing by, I happen to look between houses. From my perspective, the houses look like they are almost touching. A strip of weeds and dirt was the only thing separating them.

My dog, Lilly, decided to pee. So I waited and continued to stare into the center point where the houses seemed to almost touch.

I saw a flight of wooden stairs. I didn't think much of it until I did a double take. Why would there be stairs over there?

I continued to walk, thinking it over and playing with ideas before I would explore it. What if the stairs led to some sort of hidden shrine? What if it led up to a door that, when opened, would allow me to travel to a different realm?

Afterschool I walked Lilly again, this time through the brush to the stairs. I was filled with childlike excitement and curiousity.

...They ended up being really tall gratings, that must have once covered something like an airconditioner. From a distance, the parallel lines could have been mistaken for stairs. They were leaning, all convincing like, on the side of another house.


Inside I knew I would be disappointed, but it is still fun to think about, and things like this just might start a story. You never know!

What kinds of things do you dream up, when you let your mind wander?
August 25th, 2009 at 04:41am