
I get really sick of all those sappy love stories where boy meets girl, boy likes girl, girl likes boy, and they fall in love and live Happily Ever After. No. Or, how about, all of those stories about how emo boy meets emo girl and they Cut Happily Ever After. Or, oh, my favorite: the story of the magic boy and normal girl (or vice versa) who meet unexpectedly, fall in love despite their differences and find a way to overcome them so that they can also have their Happily Ever After. Life doesn’t happen like that. No. Love doesn’t happen like that. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not like I don’t believe in love, it’s just that everything is so farfetched. Sure, I realize that they’re just stories and it is called “fiction” for a reason, but people can’t cling so close to them and think that stories, romances, and life can actually be like that.

All your life you grow up being told that life comes supplied with a Happily Ever After and all you have to do is wait for it to come and sweep you off your feet. Well that’s a load of crap. Real life sucks. It flat out sucks, simple as that. What people don’t realize – and by people I mean spoiled little rich kids – is that life comes at a price. You have to actually work at what you get otherwise it can’t really be called an achievement. Those kind of people spend their whole life depending on the support, advantages and money (ohhh yes, definitely the money) of their parents. Then, sadly, once they’re forced to actually go out in the real world, they realize how hard it is to actually do things. I mean, HELLO, people don’t wait on you hand-and-foot in the real world. You have to put yourself out there and make yourself by getting off your ass (yes, I did just say ass) and doing something about it. And no, you can’t go crying to mommy and daddy whenever faced with a problem. Come on! Be a man (or woman) and do for yourself. If you don’t, people will just walk all over you like your yesterday’s trash.

We all live the same life and by the same rules: you have to go to school, you must (and I mean must) finish college so that you can get a good job, then, once you get a job you have to get married, have at least three-four children, watch your children grow (repeating the same cycle you did), grow old with your spouse, and then, die. That’s the way it must be. But really, must life always take the same course? I think not. I choose to make my own plan for life, or, even better yet, no plan. Simply let life take its course the way it wants me to.

Everything happens for a reason. That was the way I was brought up. I’ll take the course of life on step at a time, even if I fail, that means it was suppose to happen.

This isn’t just another story about love. It’s a story about life and love in a way no one has ever heard it. It’s my story, and, as you might have already noticed, everything is about to change.

This is something I just recently started. It doesn't really explain the story. But hey, if you want to give some feedback of just comment on it, please do.

-Keep Dreaming-
August 25th, 2009 at 05:01am