This was too good to NOT put on Mibba.

[From my LJ]
1) Sososososo. Today. I found out that I'm not the only one that does the imaginary cigarette thingy. So people in Coffey's class were reading their summer-vacation narratives during lunch (except since it was Coffey's class, it didn't have to be strictly factual), and this girl named Janey's included this part about how she wished she had a vice, like smoking or even excessive coffee-drinking. And I said how much I could relate to that, and she was like, "Yeah, sometimes I just pretend I'm smoking a cigarette when I'm bored" and she did this really funny impression, and I thought to myself, Well, goddamn I'm not alone after all. I don't know if I'll ever have a real vice. I'm thinking if I do, it'll probably be drinking. Snorting powder and swallowing pills and stabbing myself with a needle and inhaling smoke are all heavily unappealing actions to me. And I won't smoke because my dad did and it made me so mad when I was younger. So just by process of elimination....

2) I realized today, with a fair amount of shock, that I've never seen J.'s eyebrows. I've known him for a year and I do not know what his eyebrows look like. They've always been obscured by hair. Is this weird, that I don't know what my friend of a year's eyebrows look like? Could this be a sign of possible eyebrow fetishism? I hope not. Tomorrow, I am totally going to confront him about this because I find this odd and somewhat unsettling. I'll probably have a dream tonight that he actually does not have eyebrows. And then wake up, freaked out, still thinking it's true. Yikes.

3) Questionquestionquestion. (I'm in a Tourette's-y mood today.) If you were wearing a hat, and asked a guy what he thought of it - or no, let's back up. If that guy was wearing a hat, and you took it off his head and put it on yourself and later asked him how it looked on you, and he said, "It looks cute", could that possibly backwardly insinuate to "You look cute" and then to the terrible depths of "You are cute"? As in, "You make that hat look good, because you are good-looking?" Or more of a "That hat makes you look good"? I am the most clueless person when it comes to things like this, things with guys. Even though most guys are awful easy to figure out because they have the neural wiring of annelids. I'm probably totally over-thinking/reacting yet again. However, why would a guy specifically say 'cute' and not just 'good'? 'Cute' is a very un-manly word to utter, and almost never uttered unless stemming from affection. But on the other hand, maybe K. just wasn't thinking. Guys can totally just have lapses like that. Ugh. I don't know. For example, I show affection toward someone by avoiding them. Very counter-evolutionary.

4) ^_^ So about that smiley face right there, I was reading an article today about the science behind smiling or some such, and how in Japan, they use that particular face to indicate a smile more often than the American counterpart :). It's because in ancient Japanese culture you weren't supposed to outwardly express many emotions, so it carries down into modern culture's Internet smiley-face having a stoic sort of mouth with the smile more in the eyes, and that's why it still looks like a smile even though the mouth is the feature most commonly associated with smiling. The eyes are an integral part of it too. ^_^

5) Does anyone know if the Woodstock Music and Arts Festival is still going on? I've been hearing so much about it lately, in all these different kinds of media, so my head is full of Woodstock. I'm really kind of dying to know.

6) First day doing ballet in Dance. I liked it a lot. Although, the barre routine was the exact same barre routine we did at where I used to dance. Ah, nostalgia. On Friday, though, it wasn't ballet; it was sort of...hippie-like? I just keep thinking of hippies. Because she was like, "When I put on the music, I want you to skip around the room. And when it stops, I want you to form the first letter of your first name using your body. And when it starts again, I want you to gallop. And when it stops, I want you to form a shape with your body that is very small and round. And when it starts again, I want you to stay in that shape and roll. Yes, roll. But in a safe manner."

7) And my English teacher is having us not only draw a thumbnail sketch of each vocabulary word, she's making us draw another sketch using our non-dominant hand. Is there any point to this, do you think? Or is she on crack?
August 25th, 2009 at 06:29am