Tendencies; What are Yours?

Let's just get straight to the point on this one, alright?

I have this 'tendency' (rather, or maybe there's another word for that; I don't know...) where I have these constant story ideas in my head that won't go away...This is the same for journals, etc., and the ideas and things I want to say come in too fast that I end up forgetting what I'm typing. I won't be normal again until I either forget or just finish my long-a** rant. *pant*

Okay. So...This is what I do.
I end up typing down some ideas, then I post them. (Some, I do.)
Then either the next day, or some other time, I will get bored of that story and will be forced to delete it. This has happened to me so many times, ever since I had been introduced to internet/online writing communities. And the strange thing is...I had only realized this "habit" or mine...Recently. Maybe last year - recently.

Strange huh?

I try to get myself to keep going, to force myself to keep writing! But I cant'...So I end up deleting them and it becomes a waste.
Which is why I bow down to (not literally - or that would be silly!) to people that actually continue and finish their stories/novels. Whenever I try and promise myself to create a novel, the idea just becomes another wasted idea that I end up throwing away right after.

And did I mention "writing moods"? What are writing moods, you may ask? Well, it's this thing where I have this need, or just get into the mood to write. Which also leads to wasted ideas.

Now I know what your thinking - this is one weird girl, huh?

And not only that; I get inspiration everywhere. o-o The last time I had writers block was...I won't even answer that!

To be honest, I have only finished two short stories (that I haven't released online.) but they aren't edited - yet. And I have this one novel I worked on for about a month or so, and I was proud of myself of actually making it to around 50+ pages. But it was double-spaced, but I still think of it as an accomplishment. I got it edited by the teacher, but I haven't made the changes...And I've jotted down these ideas because my teacher told me to add more events and scenes and what not... Okay, enough about that. xD

So this is for all the contest-holders of the contests I've joined...
The reason why most of my entries are crappy by the end is because of the reasons above. Don't blame me - it just happens. I think I won't be able to live without my laptop; I really don't mind if I don't have internet, as long as I have things like OpenOffice of Microsoft Word. I'm content!

So this turned out longer than I expected. x3

And here is a little note for Alyssa, the better-co-writer of "I Never Told You I Love You".
I'm sorry things are turning out a little slow. My reason? I am an author with non-stop ideas coming into my head almost 24/7. It's not like... "OH MY GARNITT I GOT ANOTHER IDEA!" No, it doesn't come flashity-flash-flash. They are just ideas I come up with slowly. Please forgive me for the "slowness", or lack of creativity. >..<

AND I've actually tried to put all theses crazy ideas together...But the whole idea of putting these strange ideas together - I just realized - was also abandoned in my Documents. o_o

So here is one of my "tendencies", as you may call it. -sigh-
Thanks for reading another one of my journals.
But what this really means is that I am actually going on a short hiatus, and this time I mean it, and I will be working on a novel or so. I will still be on MSN, so...For those on my buddy-list, don't worry. [What, I only got like...3 friends. LOL Just kidding. But really. o_O]

I will try my best to create updates or journals from time to time...
...Not like any of you actually care that I'm leaving... >_<

Okay - Bye~!
- huzzah.
August 26th, 2009 at 02:13am