Why I love meat.

I just read several articles on PETA's Whale billboard in Jacksonville. Although they have taken it down, I'm still not so keen on their approach to getting people to become vegetarian.

My opinion is a bit hazy, though one article on Deceiver.com says that PETA does not second think the health of humans, that this billboard was pure propaganda to make overweight woman feel bad about themselves to become vegan.

warning; this is where I theorize

Personally, eating meat won't make humans fat. I think it depends on how it's prepared.

My mother has lost around one hundred and twenty pounds, and in loosing that, she did not become a vegetarian. My mother knows how to make meals for all the family that are healthy, like this orange pork dinner we had one night that I absolutely loved.

I'm not saying that their cause is wrong, cruelty to animals is terrible and I'm sorry that from their suffering, I get to go to sleep with a full stomach. But it's shameful to have a billboard that advertises their cause, while hurting peoples feelings as well.

All in all I don't think I'm going vegan anytime soon.
August 26th, 2009 at 04:59pm