CLICK HERE! ANSWER MY VERY IMPORTANT QUESTION!! V.E.R.Y. IMPORTANT! CLICK HERE. its about evil toys.........You know you wanna CLICK-Y!!!!

Hey!! I have decided (IF anyone has ever read my dumb journals before,) that I'm actually gonna have some importance to them.

(Insert pause here)

(and here) (and maybe here)

Ha ha... I just didn't know what to do OH! I know!

You know those old toys you used to play with when you were a little kid? And now those toys are in a box some where.... LOST and HELPLESS........ They are lonely you know... THEY want your attention......

*whispers* And maybe.........Someday......They are going to get your attention.........NO MATTER WHAT IT TAKES.......

*CRASH**BOOM* -shrill, terrified screams in the background..-

(cue dramatic music here)

Just kidding!! :) but anyway to the point... does anyone think that toys are going to take revenge on us? Does anybody think that those old toys are going to take revenge for all those abusive times and all the neglect after wards?


But seriously.... Does anyone think that way or is it just me? Really think about it before you your mind! *waves hands around in a hippie way* He he..

Beccaders :)
August 27th, 2009 at 06:51am