New Moon, the Movie

Hello everyone, my name is Brandi. I love the Twilight Saga with all my little heart, and I've read all the books. They are very good, and probably my favorite series of books, aside from Gossip Girl.

When I heard that Twilight was being made into a movie, I was ecsatic! I could not wait until it came out so I could see it. One of my old friends was also a Twilight lover, and she was just as excited as me. We would discuss how great and would be and everything, and then it came out.

For me, the movie Twilight was a huge dissapointment. Bella and Edward fell in love way to fast, and it was unnatural. Everything happened to fast, and they left out important parts. I liked the movie, but I felt it needed much improvement.

My friend and I both hoped New Moon would be a huge improvement from the orginal. Then, I saw the trailor.

Jake didn't phase into a werewolf in front of Bella! There was just a random pack of wolves near in the meadow! That scene was all so wrong! It made me so mad.

Sadly, I believe that New Moon will be as bad, if not worse than Twilight. Just my opinion, let me know what you think.
August 27th, 2009 at 06:53pm