In need of some advice.

Okay so there's this concert coming up near me, The Used actually, if you were wondering, and I don't know whather to go or not.

My best friend wont go with me because she doesn't like them, even though she used to and even though I said I'd go to see someone she likes but I don't. And all my other friends certainly don't like them, so there isn't even any point in asking them.

My mum wont let me go on my own 'cause it's in a big city and I might get lost or killed or something, even though I am eighteen [almost] and can look after myself, and so if I do decide to go it would have to be with my dad.

My Dad's cool and all but I would have liked to have gone on my own or with someone who would have enjoyed it more than he would, and really who want's to go to a concert with their parents anyway? Especially after what I've heard of Bert's antics.

But it's like I was meant to go, 'cause I normally work on a Friday [the day of the concert] but I have a holiday that day, that I didn't even ask for. How ironic is that? It's like it's meant to be but at the same time not because no one wants to go with me.

So really I don't know whether to go with my dad and probably be uncomfortable and embarrassed the whole time, or miss the oportunity all together and regret it later for not going? What do you lot think?
August 28th, 2009 at 11:52pm