mood swings are not good for the brain

hello there my little friends, or at least anyone who reads this crap. how are you all on this fine evening? yeah, i don't get what goes on in my head either, and it's my head!!
I'm surprised my brain is even functioning enough to allow me to be writing this now, cause all the different moods i've been in today. You know that cliche about the rollercoster of emotions, yeah that has been me today. To cut it short ive basically gone from being bright and cheerfull, to very excited [like almost-fall-off-the-chair excitement] to complete annoyance, to bright and cheerful again. I don't even know how I've survived.

So anyway, My All Time Low tickets arrived today [that was the excited moment when I almost fell off my chair]. I'm super excited to go see them in october. I'm already making plans to get there on time to get a good place, and ive learnt the do's and don'ts of concerts from my last amazing experience of seeing Go Audio.

So yeah, my best friend ever left almost a week ago. She got an apprentiship to work at this activity centre for a year! At the moment she's only training, and therefore she's about 20 minutes away, but then in about another week she moves to wales to the place shes been placed at. But anyway, my other friend is being a complete bitch about it all, like not inviting my friend out just cause she's away, even if it is only 20 minutes. [this is the completely annoyed part of my mood swing]

Now I'm all bright and cheerful again cause my sister helped make me feel better. I mean, seriously some of the random things we do to each other is just hilarious.

So anyway, this has been my day. Hopefully tomorrow won't be as bad, at least i hope not or my head might explode.

Oh and to anyone who doesnt know who All Time Low are, [and trust me, there are people out there who have no idea] you should search them on google or youtube and listen to their stuff. It's really good

Bye for now people :D
August 29th, 2009 at 11:05pm