Who to Choose;; The High School Blues

Ah, yes high school, AKA the Golden Years. For some, it's the best time of their lives. As for others, its the worse. And me, you might ask? Well, I'm just getting started. I've only just finished my first week as a freshman, and I'm already facing drama. Actually, I'm quite enjoying this kind of drama, though. Boy troubles, of course. What teenage girl doesn't go through them. Excuse the lame cliche that this topic is about, but hear me out before you judge. I've already told all my friends about it, but I needed somewhere to write everything down in length to people who don't really know me.

So there's these two guys. One of them is my best friend's guy best friend. Does that makes sense? I have a best friend, who's a guy, and his best friend who is also a guy is the one I'm crushing on. I don't feel the need to divulge names, so I'll just go off their first initial. The guy I've just told you about will be called D. He's a sophomore, which means he's a year older than me. But I've liked him since pretty much the my best friend introduced us. He's a real gentleman, pretty tall, extremely smart, blond, and he plays the piano. I've known him for around a year, I think.

The other guy will be J. He's in my grade, and I've known him since pre-school. But we didn't go to grade school together. Our schools just did a lot of stuff together, so I knew him. I never really liked him as anything more than that guy who goes to that other school. That is, until about a week ago. At orientation, I found out that he and I have every. Single. Class. Together. It's really weird. (and okay, usually I'm opposed to using my real name on Mibba, but I feel like I need to in order to explain things properly). Well, J heard somebody call me Margaret - which is my full first name that I despise - and so he called me that. Then, I found out what his first full name was and started calling him that, too. It's like an inside joke between us on the first day that we really ever talked. Now, after only a week, I know that he is - other than also being really tall and blond - really smart and polite.

More about D, now. Well I always just kinda went into a reverie when I thought about him. I hung out with a handful of time because he was often with my best friend when I was. He always made a point of saying hello and asking how I was doing and just conversing with me, ha ha. Since school started, I get to see him a lot more often. I recently had an article published in the school's first issue of the newspaper. When I was coming back from lunch, I saw my best friend, and D was with him. I asked my best friend if he'd read the newspaper yet, and he said yes and that I did good, and whatnot. Then, D told me "Yeah, it was awesome, Maggie! Yours was definitely the best in the paper." (Maggie is the name I go by, in case you were wondering. It's obviously short for Margaret). I swear to God my face was beet during the entirety of my following class. I was so, flushed I guess.

Heh, sorry for the back and forth, but I have more to say about J again. Well, let's start with the first thing he said to me that made me start liking him. Actually, I just realized, I don't remember what the first thing was, so let's go with the most important thing (well it was important to me, at least). His locker is right next to mine, and I guess I was standing in front of it by accident the other day, trying to get my books out of my own locker. Then I turned around and saw him standing there, looking like he was waiting to get to his locker. I immediately felt stupid. I apologized and asked if I was in his way, not pathetically, but kind of teasingly, you know? It was my pitiful attempt to flirt. Anyways, he just smiled at me (he recently got his braces off so his teeth are magnificently perfect!) and said "Of course not, Margartet. You're never in my way." Of course, that also left me flushed so red that my mom asked me if I had just run a marathon when she picked me up from school.

Then, there was the football game. This will be about both D and J. Well, J plays football. He's only a freshman and he started in the season's first varsity game! Talk about impressive . . . So obviously, I didn't get to talk to J during the game, but I talked to D a lot! He was there with my best friend (haha I know they're always together) and I was talking to them for like 5 minutes at the beginning of the game, and then for a while in the middle of the game, we were standing together in the bleachers. I just feel like he's always interested in what I have to say, which is a really good quality in a guy for me, because I talk a hell of a lot.

After the football game was the open house/after-party for freshman and freshman parents (unfortunately there were lots of chapterones) only . . . and it was at J's house. You have no idea how excited I was when I fond that out. Oh, and my school won the football game by the way, J having played really well! Most of the freshman got there before him because he had to shower and stuff in the locker room before he came home to his own party. Anyways, for the first half hour or so, he didn't see me. But that was understandable, because it was dark outside, and I was over in a cluster of my friends, talking about the cute guys =b

Then me, and one of my friends moved over to the main group around the fire, and J finally spotted me. He goes "Margaret! There you are! I didn't see you earlier." It was in front of everybody, too. They all gave me this weird look, like Why did he call her that? I was glad it was too dark to see me blush then. I was just like, oh yeah - been here for a while. He just nodded and smiled, went back to talking to his friends. I sat down between my friend and this guy my friend liked because she was too shy to sit by him herself. After a while, he got up, and that left an empty seat next to me . . . You can imagine who I wanted to sit down. After 10 minutes, he finally sat down to me. My neighbor was also at this party, who doesn't go to the same school as us. J tried to introduce us, because he didn't know we were neighbors. (In my mind, I was imagining it as the boyfriend introducing his girlfriend to his other friends) And I just laughed and said we lived by one another. Then he asked which house was mine, because he'd obviously been to the neighborhood before. So now, he knows where I live . . . I'm not thinking about it in a way that I wish he would stalk me, but just like . . . idk if he ever wanted to stroll by and throw rocks at my window until I climbed down the vines to join him for a moonlit walk around the lake . . . Hey, a girl can dream! He spent the next twenty minutes or so talking . . . to me! And only me . . . I was very pleased with myself. Then my mom came over and told me I had to leave. So I did my rounds, saying bye to my friends, then I went back over to J and told him "Thanks for the party." He grinned and gave. Me. A. Hug! "Thanks for coming, Margaret." he said.

My best friend also texted me later that night, telling me that D had a great time hanging out with me at the game, and he couldnt' wait to do it again sometime soon!

As you might guess, I haven't stopped thinking about them all weekend. There's a homecoming dance in about a month, and I really want one of them to ask me! I don't know if either of them will, though . . . If they don't, then there's always the Sadie Hawkins dance (for those of you who aren't sure what that is, it's when the girls ask the guys). The problem is, I wouldn't know which one to ask.

Who should I go after?

August 30th, 2009 at 03:27am