There's a thin line between love and hate...

Have you ever been in love or at least thought you were in love and the person you are in love with you thought thwy loved you back??
Yea, well i have and trust me when I say this, it sucks!
We had this day long conversation on how we should try to work on a long distance relationship and how we'd work hard to make it work. we stayed up til three am tlkaing about this. He kept saying that Im an amazing girl and that he think he's fallen in love with me. And ihad already told him how I felt about him. I loved him. we finally ended the conversation and agreed to pick up where it left off in the morning.
I waited all day for him to text me and when we finally did we didnt talk much. It was a hey!how are you? what are you up to? and then it ended. I was feeling as if something was off. I tried asking him about it but all he kept saying was that nothing was wrong and that he jst wanted to talk to me, that he loves talking to me and that he misses me. Why girls do we fall for these things?
In the next few days our conversations were getting shorter and shorter. Until today. Today I woke up to a text from him. I opened my phone and saw his name lit up on my screen. My heart dropped in my stomach. Waking up to him was just what I wanted. He made me happy, or so I thought. I opened the text and tears filled my eyes. This is what I read:
Heyy. Idk. I just want to be friends. Im sorrry.
After the hours long conversations we had about trying to figure out how to make our long distance relationship and this is the outcome?
I was torn. I didn't know what to say to him. I was in complete shock. I asked him if all he had said to me was a lie and he came up with the lame ass excuse of him being confused when he those things to me and that he just realized that he likes me as a friend. What the hell am I supposed to say to that?
August 30th, 2009 at 04:57am