Not so important.

So, I just figured I should update everyone, since I won't have much time to update my stories and such anymore.
Yeah, I'm pretty pissed. Thanks a lot, school.

BUT, I'm like...really excited for December 15th,
Ronnie gets out of jail :D

Huh, maybe it wasn't such a good idea to update afterall, I've got nothing to say.
Well, I like my classes at school?
That's not too important though, haha.

Oh, I re-did my hair today,
the bangs were pissing me off,
so I put them back to the way they were before I cut them :)
My mom was so pissed, oh well.

I've been so stressed lately that when I do get a chance to sit down and write, my brain is so overwhelmed that I get horrible writer's block.
Like, literally. I've been sitting here staring at my story, Don't Change The Way You Think Of Me, just trying to come up with things to write.
And honestly, it's just not working.
I used ever last ounce of energy on the one-shot I wrote for Lizz, which I am quite proud of (:

Oh oh oh, this totally made my day:
So my journal is full of fucking pictures, isn't it awesome?!
Lizz was like "uhhhh."
Amber was like "that's a weird picture."
I think it's brilliant! Ahah.

That's pretty much it, I guess.
Nothing too important has happened recently.
Oh, besides the fact I have a cute guy in almost every one of my classes.
How it helps me so much get through my days.
And wow, I doubt that sentence even made sense, ohhh well ahaha.

August 30th, 2009 at 05:45am