My amazing disappearence off of the face of earth. And thankyou's to my holiday-ees.

I'm hoping...or not really hoping in such that all of you out there have been worried about my sudden disappearance. However once again I have an excuse which you would know of if you read my best friend's story I tore you right out my heart, but that wasn't enough though if you didn't read it then I guess i'm to blame for your worry.

I was on holiday. Yes holiday, that beautiful thing where you go to another place and enjoy the sun, the beach, the different and sometimes very random people you may come to meet. Though in my case that happens even when i'm not on holiday so that last option doesn't really count.
It was a good holiday, I enjoyed spending some quality bonding time with my family a.k.a Great nan, nan, granddad, mum, dad(occasionally), sister, aunty(sometimes) and her boyfriend Jack(once again sometimes) - The occasionally means he spent two days, then left as he had work then came back for four days then left for work again so....and the sometimes is because my aunt and Jack came half way through the holiday for two days then left as he has work. - My family are insane.

I had fun with all of them and this is also me taking the time to thank them for two unforgettable weeks. Since i'm thanking my family I might as well thank the friends I made there; the ones I can remember that is,
First of all, Matt you are a monkey! Your acrobatic awesomeness sort of made me want to climb up things and jump over them but as I am so short I don't think it would work. Do you?YELLOW T-SHIRTS SHOULD TAKE OVER THE WORLD! - Glad I got that off my chest.

Secondly, Ben I want your hat! I have known Ben for around four years now, well him and Adam but we won't bring him up. I only saw him for two days but for one thing if I ever get the feeling I will definitely be coming to him he would say "RAVEEE!"

Thirdly - is that a word?, Hannah though we didn't talk too much you always did make me laugh. I'm still annoyed that you all made me the Hermione as seriously my hair is not that BUSHY! "I want to be Hagrid!!" but in the end I settled on being Hagrid's beard.

Fourthly - that's obviously not a word but i'm going to use it anyway! - Ethan and Megan - Ethan you are the sweetest little boy ever! And we have seen you for around three years and you are crazy! You are only 5 but you were smarter than me! that goes of Megan your older sister too. I miss you guys soo much.

Fifthly - Joe, the biggest Michael Jackson fan you could ever meet. And you even dance like him! How mad is that? I hope Anthony doesn't annoy you too much or your big friends will go and beat him up. Or you could push him off the train again like you did - Not a real train it doesn't move! :P And it's not even big. It's a tiny train.

Sixthly - Nathon, you spell your name weird. Change it! Nathon happy birthday for when you turn 16 in a couple of days! I don't know exactly when as no one really discussed it much. You were all too busy obsessing over Megan Fox! but you were pretty cool to talk to anyway. Hope Hannah doesn't get you in the back with the pool stick again!

And last but not least or ever least, my best friend from the isle of wight - Becky!
I've known Becky since I was around 5 or 6? And every year we seemed to have the same hobbies and obsessions *cough*Jonas Brothers*cough* or more to the point (8)Don't blame it on Kevin, Don't blame it on Nick, Don't blame it on Frankie, Blame it on Joseph!(8)
It was soo much fun talking with you and Lynt - I shall always remember our brief texting. I shall see you in October for the secret party which I am not aloud to say SHHHH!!!

Thankyou all of the fans who kept out on my in YFTCM you all mean so much to me. Hope you didn't read all of this unless you're one of the people above otherwise that would be painfully dull and boring...

August 30th, 2009 at 10:39am