Where's the love?


It's got me pondering. And in all my short life on this planet i've noticed a lot of things that just look, well, wrong to me.

For instance, racism.
The other day I was walking home with my friend Jay, discussing his new haircut. I told him he looked like a twelve year old, which he does, and shouldnt because he's 17. His response?
"Yeah but 'Rora, only two people have told me I look like a twelve year old, you, and this black, fugly ,short girl at my work, so really there's only one opinion I respect." I stopped him right there.
"Jay. That offensive."
"Oh COME ON! I was just joking! Jeez! Can't you take a joke? It's not even aimed at you."

And there you go. Random casual racism disguised as a joke. Now I'm not saying that Jay is a racist, because he's not. He just says it because he thinks it's funny. This is no reflection on Jay. This is a reflection on today's society. We're brought up being told racism is bad, but since I started looking, there is a lot of casual racism just lying around, disguised as jokes! For instance the automatic "voice" white people put on when impersonating a black person. I'm not even coloured and I find it offensive. And it's not just white people! Black people are at it too! But this time disguising it as culture. How come a black man can call another black man brother, and not be related, but not even dream of doing the same to a white man! Or the N-word. Yes, I brought it up, the N-word. I don't understand it. If I went up to one of my black friends and threw it in, I would receive death stares! But if one of them said it, it's all fine. Surely, no one should say it. It's offensive,and that should be the end of it.

We're all the same underneath. We all have livers, pulmonary arteries, synapses. The capillaries of my body are exactly the same to the next billion people I meet. Why judge someone on the amount of mellonin in their skin? Because that's all it is.

Dont judge, love.
August 30th, 2009 at 05:13pm