Puppies and caffiene.

So. I don't think any of you's have read my journals before, but I work at starbucks. It's an amazingly fun job, the only thing I can't stand is that we have a drive thru. So. Top ten drive thru peevs, because I'm feeling complainey.

1. Don't drive past the speakerbox. There's a reason it says ORDER HERE in large red letters. Thanks.
2. If I repeat your order back to you and say a small instead of a large, clue in to it. Don't just smile and nod (we can see you), tell me it's wrong.
3. Dear passengers that are making their husband or wife call their exceedingly long coffee, or calling their drink from across the car. I can't hear you, and he/she doesn't know what the hell they're ordering. Drive next time. :file:
4. Don't smoke at the window. That's just a big no. Not only does your nasty smoke go in my face, it goes in the store. Ew.
5. Cell phones. I cannot count the number of time I've wanted to tear a cell phone out of someone's grasp and smack them with it. Don't talk when I'm taking your order, your money, or trying to give you your order. No. Bad customers.
6. Be specific. If you want an iced drink, would you mind letting me know one of the three frickin times I repeat it back, instead of when I pass it out?
7. Do not buy coffee that you want ground. It holds up the entire line, and drives us batty.
8. Vivannos. No. Just no.
9. If you don't know what you want, come inside. Seriously, you don't need to stand them hemming and hawing while you try to decide what the hell you want.
10. Do not tell us to wait a minute while you are talking on your cell phone. We can't be asses to you, but believe me, we're bitching while you can't hear.

Well. Glad that's off my chest. This doesn't really apply to the average mibbian... But whatever. Pass it on to your starbucks loving parents. :cute:

Oh yeah, the puppies part. Best part/only good part about drive-through? People have dogs, babies, and all sorts of cute things in their car with them. We were even passed a puppy the other day... almost exploded with OMG CUTE.
August 31st, 2009 at 02:40am