what do you think?

Time- 10:35
Place- living room

Ok, here I am on Sunday night, with nothing to do but be on my computer. I'm on Youtube, because... its my tube! Well anyways, I come across a video about scene kids, and thats hilarious because I'm not so sure what scene is... it's just a branch off of emo which is a branch off of goth right? So I mindlessly watch video tutorials on how to do your hair and makeup, they interest me. I like the style, it's outrageous and visually interesting. Then I come across a video talking about Myspace vanity or something like that. We've all seen the pictures of emo or scene or whatever you call these kids, they look picture perfect with absolutely no flaws on their face, and every hair on their head is in it's teased up place, well the video was showing a photoshop program! It was ridicious! You could change your whole face, coming down to making you look paler or tanner, fixing your nose, changing your hair color! It made me feel better about myself, knowing that those people, no matter how gorgeous they look, could have altered their photos. Plus, it made me wish I had photoshop because it looks really fun! Well that's about all I have to say.

What do you think?

Message me about it!
August 31st, 2009 at 05:44am