For my mom's 50th Birthday I am going to WALT DISNEY WORLD! :D My mom, dad and best friend since grade one is joining us on the trip. We leave on the 2nd of September so Wednesday at 6:00am... I'm gonna be so tired lol... I am so NOT a morning person lol... and we return on the 12th of September so Saturday! Late at night so coming home is a little better lol. I am so excited I have been there 3 times before but the last time I was 9... I'm 22 now lol. So this may be my 4th and final time going to WDW! Which is a little sad :( I love that place.

I will try to work on updates as best I can while I'm away. I don't know if I will be able to bring the laptop yet... but I hope I get to so I can try to update... I am so sorry that I haven't been I just haven't had the drive too do so. :( It seems like no one likes my stuff enough to comment on it to show that they want more so it slows down the updating. HUGE THANK YOU TO THOSE THAT HAVE COMMENTED IN THE PAST!

And now for the VU news the day after I put up my rant about my shirt taking for ever lol I GOT MY SHIRT! :D It looks awesome and VU rocks but I do have to warn you they fit SMALL so if you are a little bigger in any way go for the next size up to what you would normally wear when ordering at least the shirts from VU

Just thought I would let you all know about whats going on. I hope to hear back from you! :)

P.S. If I get to bring the laptop I will be doing a daily Journal about the trip if not I will write them all up when I get back lol. :P

P. P. S If you have been to WDW or even if you haven't and wanna go tell me what are some of your fave things to do/ wanna do and I will see how many I can do while I'm there. Be it shows, rides, places to eat, and more. :)

Peace and Love and all things Good and Avenged LOL! :P

August 31st, 2009 at 09:44pm