The Future is Unpredictable, but that's what makes it Beautiful.

This is probably going to be one of the hardest journals-- or things-- I will ever have to write, so please forgive me for anything that sounds odd or strange.

I don't really know how to say this, so I'll just be blunt:

After He Would Be Yours, I think I'm done writing fanfiction.

Please know this is just as hard as it is for me than it is for you. Before I get a gazillion questions, I'll try to answer the basics.

1) Am I leaving this site?
Absolutely not. I have made way too many friends on this site to leave. For now at least. Eventually, just like you all will, I'll have to leave.

2) What are you exactly doing?
I am just stopping writing Jonas Brothers (most specifically) fanfiction. I will most likely write a one-shot with the three boys here and there, but as for a full fledged story? Those most likely won't be happening anymore.

3) Are you still going to write?
As much as I can. I have ideas for original stories. Yes, I realize that over half of my comments and readers are going to go away for the original aspect, but it's OK. I can live with it. I've had my Dear Nick, days, and I'm fine with me being happy about that part of my past.

4) What's going to happen with your active stories?
Second Chances is close to being completed as it is. I'm not going to hurry and rush through He Would Be Yours, just to be done with my last Jonas fanfiction, but it will have to end eventually. A story can't go on forever. And The Day Everything Changed is an original story as it is, so that plot line and everything with that story will remain the same as it is now.

5) Why are you doing this?
No, I don't have to like, 'find myself' or anything like that. I still have never understood the concept of really finding myself. I know who I am, but that's another story for a different time. I'm just growing up, and while I started this over a year ago, I never really thought it would become what it had for me. If someone told me I would receive over two thousand comments on a silly Jonas Brothers saga, I would have literally probably laughed in your face, but now that that has actually happened, all I can do is smile and thank the Lord for being so kind. I never deserved what you guys all gave me, but I'm thankful you did.

Again, I am NOT leaving this site. Please, I hope I've made that perfectly clear. I am still going to be here, you can still talk to me, and all of that awesome jazz. =]. I am just slowly going to drift away to not writing about the Jonas Brothers. I'm going to try my hand at original works, expanding my horizons. Then, eventually, when the time is right, I will stop writing. No, I have no idea when that time is, and I have no idea approximately when that time will be.

I've made so many friends through this website, and this is one of the things I'm proud to do. Again, I can change my mind. I'm only human after all. I'm just saying, Jonas Brothers in stories? Say goodbye to them.

But like the Beatles, who are some of the wisest men ever, I have to say, "You say goodbye, and I say hello." I look at this as a new opportunity. Just something different.

It's time for me to slowly move on... And

6) Yes, I still love the Jonas Brothers. =].

Please don't be too mad at me guys. Any questions? Comments? Just talk, and I'll try to answer. Thanks for understanding,
September 1st, 2009 at 01:14am